The Kissing Game: 7 Techniques to Drive Him Wild

Seven seems to be a prominent number. There are the 7 days of the week, the 7 wonders of the world and of course the 7 deadly sins. However, did you know that there are also the 7 sinful kissing techniques based upon the 7 deadly sins? In ancient times, a sin was considered a serious moral offense and the seven deadly sins were seen as the gravest ones.
First enumerated by Pope Gregory (the Great) and elaborated in the 13th century by Thomas Aquinas, the 7 deadly sins were identified as (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, (3) greed, or covetousness, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, which is usually understood to include drunkenness, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth.
Today, the word sinful has taken on a less sinister meaning and is more often associated with a giving in to a secret pleasure. For example, we refer to chocolate as sinful decadence and we call a good back massage a sinful indulgence.
Likewise, these 7 sinful kissing techniques are meant to playfully appeal to his most basic desires and drive him back into the wild. So if you want a little adventure, pump up your pucker and share these enticing kisses with your special someone.
1. The Prideful Kiss
Pride is a feeling of pleasure from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is associated, or from qualities or possession. It was frowned upon because it was taking away credit away from a higher being- the true source for one’s good fortune. Today we try to promote self-esteem because it builds confidence.
When your sweetheart is full of pride, his self-confidence will grow, and his chin will jut out. To give your man a boost of self-confidence and pride, start by firmly kissing the bottom of his jaw line right where his face meets his neck. When he raises his chin, make a path of jawline kisses up to his ear and then give his earlobe a big wet kiss. You will both be feeling prideful at that moment.
2. The Lustful Kiss
This one is probably self-explanatory. But for sake of consistency, here is a brief explanation of why lust was considered a deadly sin by the ancients. Lust was viewed as impure love that was not sustainable. But who says that you can’t lust after the one you love.
Of course, you can and it all begins with a kiss. The best lustful kiss is still the good old French kiss- an open mouth kiss where your tongues do most of the lusting.
3. The Greedy Kiss
Greed is defined as excessively desirous of acquiring or possessing, especially wishing to possess more than what one needs or deserves. Greed is bad because you are hoarding something that someone needs to survive. But in today’s world, there is nothing wrong with wanting your fellow to be excessively desirous of you and wanting you all to himself.
For the greedy kiss, you are going to give him a kiss that will keep him coming back for more. The greedy kiss is the French kiss with something extra. While you are French kissing, try to spell out the word “More” on his tongue to convey your own greedy desire for him.
4. The Envious Kiss
Envy was seen as sinful because it meant you didn’t appreciate what you had and you might do something illegal to obtain it. Today, the sin of envy has been replaced by ambition, which is motivated by wanting a better life for you and your family. There is nothing wrong with ambition if you are honest and work hard to achieve what you desire.
Contrary to what you might think, the envious kiss is not to make your guy envious seeing you kiss someone else. That would be truly sinful. The envious kiss is to make other men envious of your love and wishing they were getting that kind of attention from their wives or girlfriends.
For the envious kiss, pick a public place and grab him passionately, throwing your body fully into his. Pretend that you have not seen your honey for ages and plant a passionate kiss that will leave him and everyone breathless watching.
5. The Gluttonous Kiss
Gluttony is the excessive gorging of food and drink. Gluttony was seen as a sin and a weakness because if you become intoxicated you are much more likely to give in to other sins, such as lust, envy and anger. In our water-down version of gluttony, the intent is to make your lover hungry for you by giving him something to wet his appetite.
Start by selecting a favorite food or beverage to place in your mouth for this appetizing kiss. Ironically, a Hershey’s kiss works well in executing this sinful kissing technique. Let the morsel of the chocolate melt in your mouth and then kiss your sweetheart for a doubly rich surprise.
6. The Angry Kiss
Anger is the antithesis to love and was seen as a deadly sin because it could literally lead to deadly consequences. For our modified angry kiss, we are not suggesting anything so sinister or painful. Instead, the angry kiss is more akin to an aggressive-styled kiss to release pent up feelings similar to the way that anger is the release of pent up frustration.
For the angry kiss, sneak up on your partner like a wild animal, let out a few playful growls, and then attack him with a rapid round of fiery kisses.
7. The Lazy Kiss
Sloth is the sin of laziness or the reluctance to do work. It was considered a sin because lazy people who sit around all day simply couldn’t be up to any good. In the modern world, everyone needs a least one lazy day to recuperate from their hectic lives.
For the lazy kiss, pick a Sunday or Saturday or whatever day the both of you are off. After a leisurely breakfast in bed, give him a kiss that lasts at least 5 minutes longer than normal. In other words, the trick is to make him feel that you have all the time in the world just for him.
After a week of experiencing these sinfully sweet and sizzling kisses, your sweetheart may be begin calling you the 8th Wonder of the World.