The Most Heartbreaking Cities in America

The Heartbreak Hotel is having no trouble expanding its business across the cities of America. In fact, conducted a study in 2014 of the cities that experienced the most heartbreak. The study’s methodology was a little unconventional – after all, it’s hard to figure out who’s at home crying on the sofa wearing sweats and eating directly out of the ice cream tub. So they used some different measurements of how heartbroken people were. First they started by comparing the national average of the length of marriages – 19.4 years –to each city. Washington, D.C., came in dead last in that measurement with just 12.4 years. The next thing the study examined was how many dating sites each city had. The rationale? The high demand for dating services after a relationship sours. They found a high demand in the big cities of New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Next, the study checked where cities fell on the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which measures emotional health, physical health and healthy behavior. The happiest, healthiest city was Lincoln, Neb. Least happy was Riverside, Calif. The final criterion was STDs. That’s right – researchers checked the rate of gonorrhea in each city. A national average of 121 people in 100,000 has the disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Without further ado, number 10 on the list goes to San Diego, which clocked in with a high ranking on the well-being index and rates of gonorrhea, but with a lower failed marriage duration (18 years) and seven dating services in the city.
Next on the list was Phoenix, which measured up similarly to San Diego. Number 8 on the list was Los Angeles, which hosts a whopping 33 dating services. Marriages last about 18 years, and people are relatively healthy and have a low rate of gonorrhea, despite many reality shows like The Bachelor being filmed there. Dallas, number seven on the list, has some of the shortest marriages at 17 years, and it is home to 13 dating services. It clocks in with a whopping 120 cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 people. Baltimore and Houston are the next two on the list, respectively, and they both fall somewhere in the lower average well-being rank. It seems gonorrhea is more popular than dating services in these cities. Riverside, Calif., landed on the list next due to its unhappy residents, and New York came in at number three – lots of dating services and unhappy people in the Big Apple. Miami ranked number two for its plethora of dating services and unhappy people, too. Chicago took the top spot due to its skyrocketing VD problem (150 people per 100,000) and its unhappy people. So now you know where not to go if you don’t want your heart broken.