The Perks of Holiday Singlehood

Spending the holidays without a mate might seem like a bleak prospect for some single people. The thought of having someone to share gifts, fireside cuddles and traditions is appealing, and it can be disappointing if it doesn’t happen. But there are some major benefits of handling the holidays solo. There’s no worrying about adding more gifts to your holiday purchases, lightening the heavy load on your wallet. Plus, many people build up the idea of a gift from their sweetheart so much in their heads – whether it’s an engagement ring (and proposal) or simply something else lavish – that if the gift doesn’t measure up, they’re left disappointed.
Not so if you’re single. You’ll avoid those awkward family meetings and discussions when you’re single, not to mention not have to squabble over how to split your time between two families. You have the freedom to decide with whom you want to spend your time, instead of being locked into a day of forced merrymaking with people you don’t particularly like. When you open yourself up to friends as a “holiday orphan,” it’s likely you’ll get your choice of fun places to visit with friends and their families – and you can even stop at a few places! Not having to worry about another person wanting to leave early or whether or not he or she is having a good time is another relief during the holidays. As a singleton, you have the freedom to do what you want during the holidays, and that includes grabbing a friend and taking a vacation if you like. Now that’s something to be thankful for!