The Top Nutrients Kids Need

Given the high rate of overweight children, you’d think kids would be getting enough of the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy. But while most kids seem to be eating plenty, their food is not always nutritious. Strive to give your children foods rich in vitamins and minerals early in their lives, and try repeatedly to introduce those healthful foods, even if they snub them at first. Calcium is one nutrient that’s lacking in kids’ diets today, perhaps as a result of more juice and soft drinks being served. Don’t despair if your child turns his nose up at milk; there are lots of creative ways to get him to consume some of the mineral. Try flavorless silken tofu to add calcium and thicken creamy soups, smoothies and even pasta dishes. Yogurt has even more calcium than milk and is super kid-friendly, as is cheese.
Fortified cereals are another way to add calcium, and if you can get him to pour on a little soy milk, then you’ll punch it up more. Another vitamin you’ll find in those cereals is vitamin E, a casualty of the fat-free craze. Heart-healthy oils, like those found in non-fat-free salad dressing, are rich in vitamin E. Avoid those unhealthful saturated fats, but go for healthy sources like avocados and nuts. Pack kid’s meals and snacks with filling fiber which will keep them regular and satisfied. Find fiber in beans, cereal, oranges and apples. Add more fruits and veggies – 60 percent of kids don’t get enough potassium. Those fortified cereals also win in the iron department, a mineral that’s vital to brain development and blood health. Choose lean meats for another great source.