Tips for Surviving April Showers

Parents: Are April showers raining on your parade? Are you desperate for ways to entertain your children when there’s no outdoor escape in sight? Don’t let rainy days drag you down. Instead, arm yourself with these great indoor activities that are sure to keep you kids occupied on the wettest days of the year. Say Wii… as in Wii fit. While most parents discourage their children from playing video games, the Wii can be the perfect outlet for a child who needs to get the lead out. From Wii’s Just Dance to the array of sports games, there are plenty of ways your child can get physical inside the house. We’re not talking about forcing him to play an array of shoot ’em up games, but instead a game that gets your child moving and grooving. Another option is to host your own talent show. Set up a stage and give your child the opportunity to be front and center with his talent. It can be singing, dancing, acting or playing an instrument. It’s the perfect chance for your little one to showcase his talents. Still searching for a way to keep the kids entertained? Hold a scavenger hunt. This way require a little more planning or prep, but it’s well worth it. Provide your children with a list of clues for items that they need to find. Make sure you have a creative reward for the winner such as letting him pick an afternoon movie to watch. Why not take a field trip? Indoor ice skating, roller skating, art museums and bounce establishments are all great ways for your child to let off some steam while staying dry. If there’s not a thunderstorm in sight, some parents may allow their children to play in the rain. Put on the raincoat and rain boots. Grab the umbrella, and allow your child to splash around. You may even encourage them to scour for frogs, worms and other critters that surface in the showers. Just have them keep their hands to themselves.