Tricks for Treats: Smart Choices
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and the same can certainly be said of the stomach. Cut out all of those tempting treats from your eating regimen and you’ll soon find yourself feeling deprived. Deprivation can be a recipe for diet disaster. Imagine how much you’ll long for that double chocolate brownie if you think you can never have one again. By depriving yourself of your favorite foods, you’re actually setting up yourself for failure. When you are finally unable to resist, the end result will be a fat-and-calorie loaded binge that will bring down your spirits and bring up your weight. So what’s the slimming solution, you ask? Sample your favorite snacks… in moderation. Set aside a “cheat” day when you can indulge in that tasty tiramisu or bite off that Boston cream pie. Instead of going hog-wild, share the dessert with someone else. Or why not go for some bite-sized bits of those goodies? After all, this isn’t a license to overindulge. And if you are going to treat yourself to your favorite food, why not make dinner a little lighter and save your calories for when dessert is the main event? Another alternative is to opt for healthier alternatives to those sweet treats you love so much. Have a hankering for something chocolate? Enjoy a cup of sugar-free hot chocolate with fat-free whipped topping. Sugar-free puddings also come in flavors ranging from rice pudding to vanilla pudding, and they’ll only set you back 60 calories. There are plenty of options out there that won’t break the fat and calorie bank. Even though you’re trying to lose weight, life as you know it isn’t over. Learn to live it, not diet it.