Use Astrology to Put Your Power Team Together

Most people do well within the positions that they enjoy, positions that they can make a difference and feel proud of their accomplishments whether it’s in the forefront or behind the scenes. If people are placed within the best position within an organization, club, or group they can succeed by leaps and bounds using astrology!
Here’s the formula:
In short, there are four elements in which the astrological signs divide by. Along with the four elements are also the properties in which the signs share : (Please note that all the below attribute is just a summary. For a better understanding it’s best to familiarize yourself with all the astrological properties and terms)
FIRECreativity, passion, risk-taking, foreign business, entertainment, healing professions, supervisory roles and aggressive roles etc. (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
EARTHMoney, banking, investing, gardening, fashion, farming, clergy, masonry, jewelry, etc. (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
AIRCommunication, teaching, transportation, intellectual pursuits, printing etc. (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)
WATERImagination, intuition, aquatics, medicine, security, music, hospitality management etc. (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)
CARDINAL These people will most likely prefer to move in one direction. This is a good thing if you want to get things done as they can be unstoppable hence completing a project. Look for this trait in an Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn
FIXEDNot really into “change.” Change is usually regarded as a big effort in life to them. These great people are loyal, patient, They make great leads in team building. Just remember that you must agree on the ethics as they like to have it their way or not at all. The ones from this club are Taureans, Leos, Scorpios and Aquarians.
MUTABLEThese people can multitask! IF you’re looking for steadiness you find it here. They work best in start-up ventures. They can help spark the interest in any project and should be hired for product launching or entrepreneurial ventures. These energy folks are Geminis, Virgos, Sagittarians and Pisces.
So the next time you decide to start a project see if the stars agree first and notice the difference in the outcome! For a more in depth interpretation it would be best to work with individual charts but if you use the above information I’m sure you’ll have a happy staff!
Many Blessed Stars to You and Staff!
Mona Magick
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Offering Tarot Readings, Spell assistance and spiritual direction for over 25 years. Visit:
Article Source: – Use Astrology to Put Your Power Team Together