Using the Computer to Help Toddlers Learn

Computers are an indispensable tool for older children, but when should parents start teaching their children computer skills? Many experts say that age two isn’t too early. At age two, educators say that kids have the hand-eye coordination and attention span to enjoy supervised computer time. There are programs online that are geared toward children this age, who are attempting to manipulate the mouse and its ability to control what’s happening on the screen. Most 2-year-olds enjoy having the control to make things happen on the screen — whether it’s shapes, colors or letters or a combination. Educational videos online can foster an interest in science, animals and other items of interest.
Matching Web sites and programs with well-loved characters such as Barney, Dora or shows such as Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba can increase interest. But computer use among toddlers does have its critics, who say the pitfalls of using the computer this early in life can foster the same problems as watching too much TV. Some researchers think the skills gained through computer use are better learned hands-on in a natural setting. Others say that completing tasks electronically may diminish language skills by keeping the child from formulating language. Too much computer time for toddlers harbors the same hazards as for older kids – eyestrain, obesity and hampered social skills, to name a few. The answer, as with most kids’ issues, is moderation. Obviously a toddler shouldn’t spend all day in front of the television or computer – nor should any child.