Wake Up Prettier

If only we looked like women in the movies look when they wake up – perfectly tousled hair, a fresh face and supple skin. And let’s not even talk about morning breath. Use these tips to wake up looking naturally pretty, which will help you feel great about yourself throughout the day. Start with your hair. If you’re trying to save your fresh blowout, there are a few things you can do to preserve it. First, invest in a satin pillowcase to keep hair smooth. Then before you go to bed, use a soft (not elastic) hair tie or scrunchie to make a high ponytail on your head. If you like to wash and wear hair, take a shower at night, then make a long braid (or two if your hair is thick), secure and sleep on it. Carefully unbraid in the morning and finger style the brand-new waves. If frazzled hair could use a little TLC, then try an overnight “disguise” – nighttime is the perfect time to use a nourishing hair mask like V05 or a salon concoction. Just be sure to protect your bed linens. If you’re a side or stomach sleeper, then the skin on your face might be paying the price.
Keep skin from creasing and becoming wrinkles by wearing Frownies, little stickers that limit movement on your face. Bedtime is a great time to moisturize and allow the skin to absorb all that moisture, so use the time before bed to slather yourself – paying special attention to tough parts like elbows, knees and feet – with an emollient cream or lotion. Some beauty experts even recommend applying a primer over facial moisturizer to lock it in. Take care of skin and hair and you may just wake up gorgeous!