Walk Away the Pounds

Many people find they have to change their workout according to the weather. They also have a tough time finding the time to make it to the gym. With WATP, you have eliminated the common obstacles that stand between you and a daily workout.
All of Sansone’s workouts (she’s sold 10 million tapes) can be done in a small area right in front of your television. Guided by her library of videos, this walking program burns fat, builds muscle tone, increases bone strength and reduces stress… without any complicated equipment or machinery. A consistent walking program helps fight coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and stress to come up with a few.
The first step is walking in place. From there, WATP demonstrates upper body movements to work the muscles as you move. The program set to upbeat music is designed to suit all different fitness levels ranging from beginner to advanced. You will move from 2.5 miles per hour to 6.0 miles per hour throughout her workouts. The intervals ensure that you keep your heart rate up.
In addition to a good workout, you’ll also get a healthy dose of spirituality. Sansone is a big advocate of God and says she never leaves the man upstairs out of any workouts.