Was Your First Date a Success? Find Out

Most people know after a first date whether the relationship will progress – or if the date was a crushing failure with no hope of blossoming into a romance. But is there any way to figure out whether your first date is going well – while it’s happening? Aside from the obvious cues that you’re either super into each other or would rather never see each other again, it is possible to pick up on more subtle cues to see how things are progressing. Most people on first dates are cordial at the very least, but when things get friendlier and more comfortable, that’s when you know there’s the potential for a second date. Look for these signs. The most obvious clue that he likes you is body language. Watch to see how your date reacts as you engage him in conversation. Is he devoting all his attention to you? Leaning in to get closer? These are all signs that he’s interested, particularly if he mimics your movements subtly.
You might lower your voice to a murmur, and he would follow suit by whispering, or if you lean in, he might lean in as well. If he’s not leaning in, then he may be sitting back in his chair, relaxed and engaged in what you’re saying, which is a good sign. He may make an effort to touch you – whether it’s paying a compliment about your earrings or noticing your manicure, of all things. It may seem he desires closeness with you, particularly if you’re walking side by side, and he remains close. Generally, people don’t like their personal space invaded by people who they dislike, so if you’re both willing to be in close proximity to one another, it’s a good sign. As the evening comes to a close, look for your date to try to extend the time you have together, whether it’s suggesting coffee or a nightcap or just a few more minutes walking together. And a successful date may end with lingering looks as you say goodbye and references to the next time you’re together.