What Are Your Love No-Nos?

You’ll do anything for love…but you won’t do that. It’s not just a song; it’s important to establish intimacy boundaries early in a relationship (preferably before you jump in the sack) in order to avoid hurt feelings, awkward situations and issues regarding consent. It’s not a bad idea to make a list of the things you will and won’t do in bed – and even your romantic “deal breakers.” For example, are you polyamorous? In other words, would you prefer not to be in a monogamous relationship, free to date whomever you choose? Or would you like to include another person in the relationship you have, whether sexual or otherwise? If so, these are fairly important issues to raise with a potential partner before things get really serious and someone potentially gets hurt. Perhaps you’d like to be monogamous, but there are limits you’d like to set in the bedroom. It’s a good idea to make a mental list of those things as well – before you put yourself in the situation where you might actually do them. Some examples include bondage situations, spanking or other abusive kinds of acts or even oral sex. It can get awkward and even tense with a partner who has different desires than you, so it’s best to address them beforehand. One thing you might want to bring up is when it’s OK to engage in intimacy. We all know that no means no, but what if you’re asleep, intoxicated or otherwise incapacitated? You have to decide for yourself if it would be OK for your partner to make sexual advances in these situations, and if it’s not (it really shouldn’t if you’re not into it), then he needs to know. Compare your lists of “no-nos” and be sure that you mesh before embarking on a serious, intimate relationship.