What Kids Can Teach Us About Love

When you’re a parent, godparent, aunt, uncle or have a close relationship with a child, you expect to be the one dishing out life lessons and wisdom. But there are a few lessons that adults who are unlucky in love can take away from the young. That saying “it is what it is” rings true for kids – they have the ability to accept the things they cannot change. But for the younger set, they also have the courage to question that which they can change. It’s easy to apply this lesson to a relationship – for those who never seem to be satisfied with a partner, it can encourage looking for the good in someone and accepting the little faults that ordinarily would be a dealbreaker. When a relationship problem really does need to be addressed, have the courage to do so and the optimism to see things through afterward.
Kids are great at forgiving and forgetting when it comes to being wronged, and it’s a lesson that we can carry into our adult relationships. Perhaps you can’t forget when someone has hurt you – but you can forgive, if only for your own peace of mind. Kids don’t have the luxury of bailing on a familial relationship when things get tough, so they find some way to be resilient through hardships – whether it’s death, divorce or some other problem. In relationships, it’s OK to be sensitive to what your partner is going through – but it doesn’t have to bring you down. Finally, kids know the value of devoting your undivided attention. It’s not simply enough to be in the same room with someone; give your partner your undivided attention once in a while and let go of the other “stuff.”