What’s Your Astrological Sign?

If you are reading this, you have probably already taken the time to figure out what your “sign” is. Chances are that, not only do you know your own sign, but that you know all of the signs of your friends, your family and all of the people you’ve had crushes on. Who didn’t check their horoscope and the horoscope of their beloved when they were teenagers to find out if they would finally get asked out by the one they coveted?
Have you ever thought about using astrology to learn more about your health? Did you know that plants have astrological influences as well?
According to an article on About.com, each of the planets (and the sun) rule over certain types of plants.
Sun plants, for example, are plants that have heart shaped leaves, yellow flowers and the plants that continuously turn to face the sun are considered “sun plants” and are used most often to treat ailments of the circulatory system and the heart.
Mars plants, however, are said to be plants that grow under adversity and, admittedly, we aren’t sure exactly what that means. Martian plants most often have prickles or thorns because Mars is thought to have a combative and “prickly” spirit.
Saturn, the planet we all know for its rings, rules over plants that are “knobby” and that live long perennial lives. Saturn plants, like Kava kava, are often associated with aging. Apparently, plants ruled by Saturn can help people complete projects.
Note to parents of teenagers: use Saturn’s plants to get your kids to finish their homework!
This article isn’t meant to offend those who truly believe that astrology rules the earth and the lives that inhabit it. There are people who put all of their faith in astrology and doing so has helped them cope with a great many things. This article is meant to introduce people to new astrology ideas. Everyone knows about sun signs and love signs and most people have figured out whether or not a Gemini will do well by marrying a Scorpio.
How many people, though, have thought to base their herbal remedies on astrology?
Have you been feeling depressed lately? Try the plants that are ruled by Jupiter — they are known to help people retain a positive outlook. Jupiter’s plants are large and always edible, like Burdock.
Do you want have issues with your subconscious mind? Are your dreams bothering you? Perhaps you should look into the moon’s plants. The moon’s plants are typically white or pale yellow and have juicy or moon shaped leaves. The usually live near the water, like watercress or peppermint.
The truth is that astrology rules more than most people want to give it credit for. While many people may dismiss astrology as being something “fun” or “weird” these same people have a hard time explaining why so many astrological predictions turn out to be true.
That certainly should give you some food for thought, though you might want to concentrate on Pluto’s plants as they can help balance a person’s spiritual and physical personalities.
For more information on astrology, visit http://www.astrologyblog.co.uk and http://www.astrologymicroblog.com.
About the Author:
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com – What’s Your Astrological Sign?