When Getting Busy Goes Bad

Sex is great – most of the time. It’s a good way to foster intimacy with a partner, release pent-up frustration, and of course, make babies if procreation is the goal. But there are times when sex isn’t a great idea and can end badly. Here are a few of the times when getting busy can go bad. First, when sex poses a physical threat – as in, it’s not consensual – then it’s obviously a bad idea. Sex via coercion or out of obligation isn’t a good experience and can chip away at self-esteem. Don’t have sex just to satisfy a partner, particularly if you believe it’s the only way to keep him or her with you. It’s hard to say no when you are really into your partner, but giving it up so he or she will be into you never works. While condoms protect against a lot of problems, heartbreak isn’t one of them.
Everyone knows what unsafe sex is, and it goes without saying it should be avoided, but some partners will offer up arguments like “I’m sterile” or “I’m clean” to get you to have sex without a condom. When we’re talking casual sex, it’s always a good idea to use protection. Don’t put your health and well-being at risk by having unprotected sex. The same goes for sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Inhibitions are lowered when substances are thrown into the mix, and that can create another unsafe sex situation, whether it’s not using a condom or going home with someone you don’t know very well. You’re more likely to put yourself at risk of getting into a dangerous situation when you’re wasted – and wouldn’t you rather remember the experience anyway?