Why Exercise Variety Leads to Fitness Success

There’s a lot to be said for mixing up your workout. Varying your exercise routine benefits the body as well as the mind. It prevents boredom, lack of motivation, and weight plateaus. Those who have diverse workout routines are also more likely to stay on track. Nobody want to work hard, only to get bored and exhausted in return. It goes without saying that those individuals who don’t change their workout are more likely to throw in the towel.
When a person is bored, time seems to pass in slow motion, which is not helpful during a workout session. Who wants to exercise for one hour knowing it’s going to feel more like three? The moment enthusiasm is lost, people become prone to giving up on their workouts altogether. Good thing there’s a simple way to stop that from happening. Variety is the trick to kicking boredom to the curb and staying motivated.
Exciting workout activities are the most likely to keep people coming back for more. Kick boxing, swimming, kayaking, dancing, hiking, biking, and playing tennis are all fun options. For even more spice, throw a partner into the mix. Workout buddies encourage one another to get movin’! They provide competition and help each other to pass time faster. Then again, a lazy workout buddy can drag another down, so exercisers should be selective in their choosing.
While trying new things can be exhilarating, workout adjustments don’t have to be extreme. A person who typically runs outside can benefit from simply using a treadmill instead. Outdoor runners that slow down without realizing it will be forced to keep pace on the machine.
Likewise, someone who usually uses a treadmill can benefit from running outside, where incline cannot be pre-set. It’s all about finding different ways to push oneself and improve results.
Variety stimulates the mind in new ways, and it does the same for the body. Incorporating fresh exercises into routines brings attention to different muscles than usual. Some muscles might have been ignored far too long. Post-workout soreness is a telltale sign that previously overlooked muscle groups are finally being worked. This leads to increased strength and stamina. This is helpful for people who exercise to get strong, but others have different motives, like weight loss.
Another major problem with tedious routines is that they allow weight to plateau. Doing the same exercises gets easier with each workout session. Once the body stops being challenged, muscles stop growing. Weight remains at a standstill. To stop this from happening, fitness buffs must test their limits, which will help build lean muscle, improve resting metabolism, and make it easier to lose weight.
The worst problem with repetitive routines is that they are only challenging at first. The obvious solution is variety worth getting excited about. There’s a chain reaction that occurs when exercisers actually enjoy themselves.
When exercise is a delight, commitment becomes more likely, and it’s dedication to working out that leads to great results. Why not try new exercises, push your body to the limit, and revel in the results? Being active doesn’t have to be a bore.