Why It’s Easier to Have an Affair These Days

We don’t all have $1 million in campaign finance funds to conceal our mistresses like John Edwards, but there’s no denying that having an affair is easier than ever. Now, that doesn’t mean you should have one; we’re just saying that with the advent of technology and other additions to our busy lifestyles, it’s a lot easier to maintain an illicit relationship and cover it up. With the advent of texting, numerous social media sites and chat rooms, it’s simple to carry on an emotional affair, perhaps the most detrimental kind for a relationship. This type of affair may not be of a sexual nature – participants simply turn to one another in times of need, talking out problems, supporting one another…basically, what one would turn to a partner for in a committed relationship. Chatting online takes the face-to-face contact out of the equation and makes it easy to carry on a long-distance relationship. And with a less tech-savvy partner, the cheater has the advantage. It’s easier than you think to be able to erase your online footprint. Using windows that do not record your browsing history and erasing online histories are ways to conceal the behavior. Even texts can be deleted. But with partners who know more about technology, infidelity is difficult to conceal. For as many ways as there are to erase history, there are ways to dredge it back up with special tracking software and other tricks. And there’s every excuse in the book to account for those lost hours “at work” or “shopping” or “out of town for a conference.” In our 24/7 world, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that a partner could work 12-hour days, or need to be out of town each weekend. But if you suspect something’s going on, then why not just ask? It may save a lot of detective work and sneaking around.