Why Stalking Your Ex Isn’t Good…for You
After a breakup – messy or otherwise – there are a few “what not to dos” when it comes to social media. One difficult temptation you may face after a breakup is checking out your ex on social media sites like Facebook. It seems innocent enough to want to know what he’s up to, right? Wrong. In fact, a recent British study found that people who kept up with their exes by regularly viewing their Facebook pages experienced “greater current distress over the breakup, more negative feelings, sexual desire, and longing for the ex-partner, and lower personal growth.” In other words, if you’re spending a lot of time on Facebook seeing what your ex has been up to, then you’re more likely to be unhappy and unable to move on from the breakup.Even if you find yourself posting to his page or contacting him on Twitter with what you think is “helpful” information – job leads, inspirational quotes, etc. – you’re setting yourself up for unhappiness. The same goes for mentioning him on social media – you’re simply inviting trouble, unless it’s a private conversation between you and a friend. Another post-breakup mistake people make on Facebook is friending their ex’s new girlfriend. Bad move. Again, you’re forced to dwell on your own failed relationship, and it doesn’t feel good to have to look at the happy new couple when they post pictures. One thing you should do via social media is let the world know you’re single when you’re ready to get out there and date again. You may move on however you see fit, but the important part of surviving a breakup is moving on.