Your Mate’s Manners Are Important!

A whopping 60 percent of women say that good manners “absolutely” make a man more attractive. But is there any way to change a man whose idea of a fancy night out is eating at any restaurant that doesn’t have a drive-thru? There are ways to drop subtle hints to your man when his manners leave a lot to be desired. First, a person’s manners say a lot about the way he feels about those around him. It’s considerate not to gobble food, chew with our mouths open and to use the magic words. Men who have bad manners are viewed as slobs – even away from the table. Not to mention the fact that grossing out your table mates shows a lack of care about their feelings – no one wants to see a mouthful of already-been-chewed steak. There are a few ways of approaching the subject without hurting his feelings and making him feel self-conscious.

If you see him gobbling up his food, say something in a joking way, like, “Whoa, buddy. I’m pretty sure it’s already dead and can’t get away!” A subtle way of getting him to notice his gross table antics is to eat at a restaurant with mirrors – be sure he faces one as he eats, so he can see what a pig he’s being. If it’s his people skills that need work, then try not to shame him in front of others. Point out his problems, whether it’s failing to say “please” and “thank you,” swearing profusely or not tipping a server, in private. He’ll be more receptive to your comments when it’s just the two of you discussing it. It’s possible he wasn’t raised to worry about those sorts of things and just needs a few pointers.