Thoughts on Saving Your Marriage

By Michael Corrano

Sadly, when couples reach a point where they can no longer communicate with one another and all roads to reconciliation are closed, they tend to believe it is the end, when in fact, in most cases it is very likely a grounds for a breakthrough, and not only save their marriage, but grow together, gain stronger faith in one another and confidence in the relationship.

Coming out of such a situation in one piece will not only strengthen your relationship but the passion will be so much stronger. Passion and love are mostly based on trust and grounds of safety, and with both having the confidence and the ability to deal with issues as they come up, you can't even begin the imagine what your relationship can reach in terms of love and affection for one another.{relatedarticles}

So, what are things you could do when facing a situation? Here are a few thoughts for your consideration:

1- Calm down, don't rush in making decisions. One of the most important things it to do is to remind yourself constantly, that in a situation like this, you may not be thinking clearly, and rushing to any decision may not be a wise thing to do. Try to find avenues to relax, spend some time reflecting, this could either be through mediation, a relaxing hobby like fishing, a sport, or even reading a novel (make sure it isn't related to anything negative about relationships, that's the last thing you need).