Christmas Trimmings: Cutting The Calories

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The traditional Christmas feast is upon us, and that means you'll a big meal with all of the trimmings is lying in wait. For those revelers who want to stay in the holiday spirit while still watching their weight, there are some common sense ways to cut back on your calorie count when preparing your Christmas dinner.

The secret ingredient to the slimming equation is substitutions. Healthier alternatives bring a more balanced meal to the table, one that isn't necessarily laden in fat, calories and sugar. Here are some simple ways to cut back. Instead of one egg, use two egg whites. In place of sour cream, use the fat-free version or low-fat plain yogurt. Whenever a recipe calls for milk, go fat free. Instead of heavy cream, combine two tablespoons of flour and two cups of fat-free milk. Anywhere possible, use the low-fat or fat-free version on all ingredients including soups, mayo, cream and butter.