Today's Recipe of the Day

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Classic Turkey Soup

You and your guests are sure to gobble up this turkey soup. It's the perfect way to put your leftovers to good use. Plus, it's lite as a feather!


Yesterday's Recipe of the Day

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Baked Brie with Fruit

To brie or not to brie? That is the question! We say, brie all that you can brie with this cheese and nut lover's delight. Topped with nuts and served...


Previous Recipe of the Day

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Basic Sweet Potatoes in Oven

If you're looking for a very basic sweet potato dish, this is it. With just a handful of common ingredients, it's almost shocking how great these taters...

Talking about what hurts can alleviate...
For many parents, the family holiday...
Piercing various areas of the body may...
They say cleanliness is next to godliness,...
What you eat is written all over your...
Love Tip
Let's face it: Getting busy is lots...
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