Is Your Recipe Safe?

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Sure, it tastes great and earns rave reviews from everyone sitting at the dinner table. But is your favorite recipe also a safe one? To prevent serving up foodborne illness at the dinner table, follow this helpful checklist when preparing a meal:


--I am marinating in a covered container in the refrigerator. Uncooked meat, poultry or fish in a marinade is perishable.

--I am marinating meat for less than 24 hours.

--I have disposed of leftover marinade to avoid cross-contaminating other foods.

Cooking Meat

--I avoid cooking meat at low oven temperatures. Slow cooking at temperatures less than 325°F (163°C) can create a bacteria-friendly environment.

--I cook meat thoroughly. Consuming undercooked or raw poultry, fish or meat is risky, as harmful bacteria may be present.

--I cook red meat to at least 160°F (71°C) and poultry to at least 180°F (82°C).