How Your New Zodiac Sign Affects Your Diet Habits

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By Theresa DeLay - DietsInReview.com

For some, following the Zodiac is a way of life. Whether a sun sign or a water sign, you can chock up a lot about who you are, and how are others are, based on when you were born and the alignment of the sun, moon, and stars on that date. People peg their personality, likes, dislikes, mannerisms, and more on their astrological sign. To some it's quality entertainment, to others, it's a cornerstone of their identity.

So if your astrological sign applies to all of that, why not link your diet habits to your astrological sign? Here's an overview of how each sign tends to diet. Does yours align, or did it miss the mark?

Aquarians are tempted by trendy fad diets. For sustainable results, they should look at a flexible diet.

Pisces are a bit uncertain with their dieting. A positive support network is critical to their success.

Aries are easily distracted if they quickly realize results. An unrestrictive diet will offer these impulsive individuals the best results.