Are You Turning Into a Bridezilla?

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The concept of a "bridezilla" – a woman who becomes completely insufferable prior to what should be the most joyful day of her life – is a relatively new concept. But it's hard to recognize the signs and symptoms of being "that bride" when you're the one who is tasked with making sure the day goes off without a hitch. Here are a few ways to know if you're turning into a bridezilla so that you can quit while you're ahead and actually enjoy your wedding day. First, examine your perception of those around you. Are your closest friends completely clueless? Loving family transformed into insensitive jerks? How about your not-so-fabulous fiancee? When your nearest and dearest start looking like the enemy to you, then maybe it's time to step back and really examine whether it's you or them with the problem. Another aspect to examine are finances – yours and the people bankrolling the affair. Consider your parents' (or whoever's paying) financial affairs – are they older? On a fixed income? Facing hefty medical bills or other expenditures?