8 Ways to Make Your Marriage Juicy!

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It is too easy to get stuck in habituated patterns in a marriage that become rote and uninspiring. As we get too familiar with our partners we can become more like siblings, lacking desire. There are so many ways to make your marriage juicy. You have to decide it is what you want your marriage to feel like and live it out consciously. If you had passion for your partner in the beginning there is no other reason than laziness if that passion goes away. Remember, familiarity breeds boredom. Step outside the comfort zone of your routine and make your marriage spicy! 

8 Ways to a Juicy Marriage: 

1. Love yourself and your individual life: Independence and a sense of purpose are sexy. So whether you engage in personal development, spiritual enrichment, working out, having a great career, you become a person that is more confident, peaceful and evolving. This makes you more unpredictable and interesting to your partner. If you have no love for yourself or passion for your life, you will not offer anything new to make things juicy. There is nothing juicier than looking at your partner and finding them intriguing.