Celebrities' Reactions to Divorce

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People react to divorce in different ways, depending on the circumstances. But at least those of us who aren't famous don't have to watch the breakup – and its fallout -- play out publicly. Regular people have to deal with the judgment of their families and friends, which is bad enough. But celebrities have the unfortunate task of seeing their splits being judged by millions of people. Here are a few ways celebrities have dealt with their divorces and the ensuing publicity. Russell Brand and Katy Perry were married for a scant two years when they decided to call it quits, but the breakup – via text if you believe her side of the story – took a major toll on the "Roar" singer. Recently, she told Marie Claire magazine, “There were two weeks of my life after I found out the truth of my marriage where I was like, ‘Okay. Alright. I can’t feel this. This is too intense right now.’ I was, like, just eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and drinking, and that’s it..."