Top 10 Things Men Want From You

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It's no secret that men want sex. And generally, they want it a lot. But what other things does your man want from you? Turns out there are some simply sexy, easy, activities you can incorporate in your day-to-day and reap the benefits of a super-satisfied male. Here are 10 things your man wants you to do but might never ask for:

10. Listening

It's number 10, but that doesn't mean it isn't important; men aren't all about sex. As much as he tries to deny it, your man needs a shoulder and a listening ear from time to time, but knowing when is the key.

Try to hear not only what he is saying, but also what he is not saying, as most men won't tell you what's really going on in their heads right away. Reading between the lines will show him that you truly care, that you really get him, and that you're sympathetic to his needs and wants.

9. Homemade Food

It really is true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Your guy might love it if you cooked an elaborate meal for him, but he could be afraid to ask because he doesn't want to seem like he expects you to cook.