Skinny Bitch
For Your Review
Do you want to become a "skinny bitch?" And authors Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin do not mean it in a derogatory way. No, there is nothing bad about transforming into a woman who wants to stop eating crap and begin looking wonderful. Their... Read More
More Diet Advice
Best Workout DVDs
You may have caught sight of hundreds of workout DVDs at the local store or movie rental outpost, but how do you know which one is the...
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Better Butter Up: Five Healthy Solutions
A structurally sound body requires an adequate supply of fat to maintain over all health. Not ensuring this vital nutrient is included in...
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Best Leg Exercises
The strong muscles of your legs help you walk, run, jump, skip, dance and hop your way through life every day. Finding the best leg...
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