For Your Review
How do you make one of the best weight-loss programs even better? By adding an online component so that dieters can LOSE those pesky pounds right from the comfort of their own home. And that's what one of the big dogs of the diet industry has... Read More
More Diet Advice
5 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Life
These days, it's hard to turn on the television for more than fifteen minutes without seeing at least one commercial talking about weight...
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The Effects of BMI on Health
BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measure of a person's body fat, based on a simple calculation of body weight in kilograms, divided by the...
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How To Lose 2 Lbs. A Week
You've probably already found dozens of fad diets that promise to help you "lose 10 pounds in 10 days!" or "lose 5 pounds this weekend!"...
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