Break Through That Weight Loss Plateau

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Assess your diet. If you've been following a diet for a few months, you may have gotten into a habit where you're no longer measuring your portions when you first started out. This is great when you're actually losing weight and getting the results you want, but if you've suddenly stopped losing weight, there's a good chance that you may be eating more than you realized. Start measuring and weighing your food again, or simply keep a diet journal for a few weeks to make sure you're still eating a low-calorie or healthy meal that started your weight loss cycle in the first place. A few days of mindful eating can help you get on track and ensure you're truly sticking with your plan.

Change your meal frequency. Modifying when you eat and the number of times you eat throughout the day can help you get over a weight-loss plateau and shift your body into weight-loss mode. If you've been eating the same portions at the same time each day, your body may have adapted to your schedule. Change things up by cutting back at a certain meal and adding a snack, or just changing the times when you eat to help your body reset itself.

Making some simple changes to your workout routine and diet could be all you need to get that metabolism into high gear and get back on the weight-loss cycle again. Try any of these strategies to get over that plateau and reach your fitness goals with ease.

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