The Common Cold

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The symptoms of a common cold usually appear about one to three days after exposure to a virus. Although signs and symptoms vary, the most common are a runny or stuffy nose, itchy or sore throat, cough, sneezing, watery eyes. Slight body aches or a mild headache, mild fatigue and low fever (less than 102F).


There's no cure for the common cold. In fact, antibiotics which are used to treat bacterial infections are of no use against cold viruses and nonprescription medications haven't been show to stop colds from running their natural course. But there are remedies that may help with symptom relief. Here's the latest on some of the most popular options: 1. Fluids. Drinking plenty of liquids such as plain water, juice, clear broth and yes chicken soup helps loosen the mucus that can cause congestion and helps prevent dehydration. Warm liquids also can help ease a sore throat. However, not all liquids are quite so helpful. Alcohol and caffeinated coffee and sodas may make dehydration more likely.

2. Humidity. Using a cool-mist humidifier, leaning over a bowl or sink of hot water with a towel over your head, or breathing in steamy air created by a bathroom shower are all ways to moisten the air around you and ease congestion and coughing. If you use a humidifier, however, change the water daily and clean out the unit at least every three days to prevent the growth of mold, fungus or bacteria.

3. Pain relievers can be used to reduce a fever or relieve the pain of a sore throat or headache.

4. Decongestants. Decongestant nasal sprays or drops help ease congestion by shrinking swollen tissue inside the nose. But is used for more than two or three days, they can lead to the inflammation of mucous membranes and worsen congestion. You may want to try using saltwater nose drops or nasal sprays to combat a stuffy nose.