What You Need to Know About Food Allergies

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Testing for food allergies can be controversial. Some people may have quick or sudden symptoms, therefore, some tests may cause more harm than good. The skin prick test for example requires a small amount of the allergen to be inserted underneath the skin. Those who have severe allergies may have an acute reaction while the test is taking place.

Determining a possible severe allergic response in any individual as mild, moderate or severe, is difficult as they may have a greater risk of having severe reactions at any time.

Prevention of food allergies means eliminating the offending or trigger foods from your diet. If your allergic symptoms are mild to moderate, you may on occasion eat a food with little or no side effects. If your symptoms are more serious you will be advised to strictly avoid the trigger foods.

This may seem impossible to do and have a healthy balanced diet. Working with a doctor and a dietitian can help you eat healthy and safely. A registered dietician can suggest several cookbooks with recipes you normally make but give you substitute ingredients you can safely eat.