From Stop and Shop to Table Top

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Flowers- Today’s Stop & Shop offers huge flower departments that are filled with many readymade arrangements. The designers that build these offer an easy alterative to those expensive flower shops. Their cut flower selection is also great; they are a weekly purchase in my home for this very reason. Plants and holiday bulbs are also available for longer lasting décor options.

Cinnamon Scented Pinecones- A creative place card holder alternative. If you try to slip a place card between the ridges the car will look rippled and uneven. Instead, use a small hand saw to create a straight space. Place the cone on its side and saw the length of it—go about ½ inch in. Insert a hand written place card into the slice.

One stop shopping has never been so much fun. This season, wander your grocery store with an open mind, allowing the unexpected to speak to you. You’ll be surprised just how resourceful you can be with your table top.

And there you have it.

For more great entertaining and lifestyle ideas, check out Mar’s website: www.marjennings.com.