Sex After Baby: Getting Back Down to Business

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If you've just had a baby, then sex probably isn't the first thought on your mind. In fact, it's probably not even on your list of things to do anytime in the near future. But for your partner, when you can resume having sex may be at the forefront of his mind. There are two things to consider before jumping back into the sack for intercourse, and those are your emotional and physical states. Many new moms report feelings of being "touched out" or feeling drained of emotion after pouring so much into the new baby. As the emotional bond between a new mother and baby forms, it may seem too intense to include any other form of intimacy. Plus, you may be feeling more haggard and less hot mama at this point. Ease back into intimacy carefully - start with kissing and hugging to rekindle the spark you felt for each other pre-baby. Enjoy your own "sexy" moments, whether it's enjoying the feeling of a bath, having a little fantasy about a TV character or anything else that makes you feel "hot." Give yourself time to start feeling like "yourself" again. Physically, you might find that you need more time than you thought to heal after giving birth.