6 Ways to Make Your Bedroom Hotter

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Been feeling the doldrums in the ol' boudoir? Has the hotness of your bedroom cooled over the years? Take a good look at your bedroom. How does it make you feel? Sometimes we need just a little inspiration to get the juices flowing. Here are six ways to transform your tired sleeping quarters into a den of iniquity.

Tip #1 - Your Bed, the Main Attraction

It's the centerpiece of the bedroom; thus, the main attraction. Your bed should be a welcoming space to sleep as well as seduce. The bed should be placed in the center of the room, with easy access on both sides. Sheets with a thread count ranging from 200 to 600 are soft and breathable.

While standard cotton sheets are affordably priced, if you can splurge a little, try the smooth and supple fibers of Egyptian or Sea Island cotton. For an added touch of luxury, silk and satin sheets are warm and light on the skin. Beware of too many decorative pillows, which tend to interrupt the fluidity of bedroom action.

Whether your preference lies with bold or muted tones, selecting a color scheme largely depends on your emotions. From dark and daring reds, dreamy and pensive blues, to softer hues of cream and tan, the palette should appeal to the sexier side of you.