What You Should Know About STDs

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If you're sexually active, STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, are a real threat. According to statistics, 1 in every 5 people in the United States suffers from an STD; that's 20% of our population! If you're not careful, you could sleep with someone in this 20% and become an STD statistic yourself.

That's why it's important to be informed. Know what STDs are out there, be aware of the signs and symptoms to look for, and learn how to protect your body. STDs can be irritating, painful and even life-threatening.

Take steps to prevent them. If you're having sex, take a minute to learn about the different STDs and stay informed. It could mean the difference between life and death.


About it: herpes is a virus that is contracted through physical contact with someone who is infected. This can be sexual contact or simply kissing and touching of infected areas.