10 Most Shocking Celebrity Scandals of 2013

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There's never a dull moment in the entertainment world, and 2013 is no exception. From public meltdowns to shocking arrests to fake girlfriends, the stars know how to keep their fans guessing. Here's a look at 10 of the most shocking celebrity scandals so far in 2013. 

1. Amanda Bynes' “Ugly” Public Meltdown 

Former child star Amanda Bynes has done her best to vanquish all traces of her squeaky-clean tween image. In the past year, Bynes has become a tabloid fixture owing to a series of bizarre behaviors, including appearing in court in a disheveled blond wig. The actress also caused a stir by making frequent racist and crude comments about other celebrities via her Twitter account.

Her favorite buzzword? Ugly – everybody who crosses her is apparently “ugly.” Some of her social media victims include Jenny McCarthy, Drake and Courtney Love. In May, Bynes was charged with marijuana possession and an attempt to tamper with evidence, as well as reckless endangerment after supposedly tossing a bong out the window of her luxury apartment. She has since been evicted.