Friends With Benefits: Can It Work for You?

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Rule #8: Don't Leave Belongings at His House

You are just a drive-by sexual encounter. You should never leave your personal belongings at his house because you cross into the girlfriend zone when you do that. Keep sex as the only reason why you are there, and do your grooming at home.

Rule #9: Set Times for Booty Calls

If you're open to a booty call anytime of the day or night, then you don't have to worry about this one. However, if you don't want to be bothered at 3 a.m., you need to tell him that.

Setting rules on when sex is appropriate and when it's not can stop the frustration of being rejected at certain times because it's inconvenient.

Rule #10: Keep It as a Benefit

Having a sex buddy should always be a benefit to you, not just to him. If you ever start to feel as though you need to have sex with him because this is the arrangement you made and you need to keep him happy, end it. You should never have to feel as though it's your responsibility to relieve his sexual tension. You both need to want to have sex to make this work out for both of you.