10 Economical Ways to Have Fun

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Just because you're trying to keep the family on a sensible budget doesn't mean you have to do without everything fun. Likewise, an economical evening with the family isn't limited to a night of shadow puppets, though in the right context, even that can be a blast!

Instead of dwelling on what you can't spend money on-and really, at this point, isn't everyone a little sick of harping on the economy?-take this as an opportunity to focus on what's really important; enjoying one another's company.

A tight budget can really bring out the creativity in anyone and you might be surprised at how the simple pleasures in life-a walk in the park or running through the sprinklers-can sometimes be the most memorable.

The next time the kids ask to go to a pricey show, or you and your hubby start listing off the various things you can't do on a fixed income, skip the negative talk and suggest one of these 10 economical ways to have fun as a family!

1. Get Your Feet Moving

Dust off your hiking shoes and hit the trails. State and national parks typically offer a variety of trails to suit any hiker's ability and the admission price is far more reasonable than a day at the movies.