5 Steps for Successful Resolution Making
Today's Moms Tip
January 1 is just two days away. A new year means a new you, right? Not so fast. How many times have you made a laundry list of New Year's resolutions only to fall off the wagon within days? Whether it's losing weight, quitting smoking or... Read More
More Moms Advice
Choosing a Safe Babysitter
You want to go out - just Mommy and Daddy. That's perfectly normal, but you can't find a family member that is available to care for your children. So you decide to hire a babysitter. Hiring a...
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What Kind of Role Model Are You?
Are you being the person you want your children to be? Many parents today really try to be better parents than their parents were. They attempt to be there for their children - to listen to them,...
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Is It Okay to Spoil Your Kids?
None of us want "spoiled" kids - kids who are bratty, self-centered, demanding, inconsiderate. So, what spoils children and what doesn't? When I was raising my children, I was often told that I would...
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