Do You Need a Doula?
Today's Moms Tip
There are an array of dizzying options for how you might deliver your new baby, so how can you figure out what's right for you and your new bundle of joy? Many hospitals and birthing centers offer doulas -- a strange word that describes a... Read More
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Do You Look Overtired?
Mothers of small children are some of the least-rested groups of people around. If you don't have time to sleep you probably don't have time to run to the spa and get a professional facial or wrap,...
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Hidden Sugars: Where to Look
Do you know how much sugar you consume daily? Obviously, there are candies and baked goods, alcohol and sodas. But do you know the other names that sugar goes by? Listed below are a few of the more...
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Growth Hormone-Containing Food: What You Need to Know
By now, you have probably encountered the debate over growth hormones in food on the news, so as a concerned health-minded consumer, what do you really need to know? If you eat beef or drink cow's milk,...
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