Fast First Aid for Boo-Boos
Today's Moms Tip
Oww! A scraped knee, a bad bruise, bug bite, splinter or other minor injury can send a child into hysterics. But moms can take quick action to stem the tears and reduce scarring by taking the right measures fast. For the inevitable cuts and... Read More
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Product Review: Skincare for Kids
As women, we're inundated by ads for skincare products every day. They're pitched to us on TV, in magazines, online and at the mall. Most of us have made a few unwise expenditures of alleged miracle...
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Product Review: Vitamins
Vitamins are a great way to make up for what may be missing from our diets. They can also help protect us against some diseases and conditions. If you don't know what to look for in vitamin supplements...
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Basic Tips to Be a Great Parent
It is important that we discipline in a way that teaches responsibility by motivating our children internally, to build their self-esteem and make them feel loved. If our children are disciplined in...
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