Make Losing a Winning Lesson
Today's Moms Tip
There's nothing worse than a spoiled sport. While you want your child to strive to be the very best, the last thing you want is to raise a child who pitches a fit when something doesn't go his or her way, especially when it comes to team... Read More
More Moms Advice
How Much Water Should Kids Drink?
Water is essential to life. In fact, water covers 80% of the surface of our planet and over 60% of the human body consists of water. Water is essential for children and adults alike to stay healthy and...
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Top 10 Ways to Prevent Obesity in Kids
I'm sure you've seen the dire reports about childhood obesity becoming rampant in America. It's a scary thing and not an experience any of us wish upon our children. Preventing obesity can be easy and...
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Imperfect Parenting
Shortly after having my first baby, I decided I was going to be the perfect parent. I immediately began to keep an intelligent library of child-rearing books on my nightstand and would replenish the...
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