Breaking Kids' Bad Habits
Today's Moms Tip
Whether it's thumb-sucking, nose-picking, picky eating, bad manners or other annoying habit, many kids drive their parents crazy. But there are ways to break your kids of bothersome rituals. First of all, harping on them to quit doesn't work.... Read More
More Moms Advice
Best Sunscreens for Kids
When you're standing in the aisle of your local pharmacy or superstore shopping for sunscreens for your kids, you might be a little overwhelmed by the choices. There are numerous sun protection products...
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5 Ways to Get Lazy Dads to Help More!
Being a parent can be chaotic enough, but having a spouse who's reluctant to help with the kids and chores can really up the stress meter. Dividing chores and responsibilities is one of the challenges...
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Surviving Colic
Colic is basically uncontrollable crying in a healthy baby. It can come as early as two weeks and last as long as three months. Typically they will cry for hours at a time and may do this a few times a...
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