Perfect Your Parenting Skills
Today's Moms Tip
Whoever said parenting is easy never had children. Like anything else in life, expertise comes with experience, and raising kids is no different. Proper parenting takes practice, and our skills develop with time. Of course, there are steps... Read More
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How To Get Children to Sleep
In order for us to get restful sleep, we need to be relaxed. In order to relax, a number of things have to happen. First of all, we need to feel safe and secure. Obviously, if there is tension in the...
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Where DO You Get the Time?
Why does it so often seem like you turn around and it's midnight when you're raising your kids? It seems like no matter what you do sometimes, there's still a lot more work to do by the time you are...
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Postpone Procrastination Indefinitely
We've all done it at some time or other. We put off our exercise routine until tomorrow; we continually delay finishing that project or starting that business. Procrastination is the mother of all...
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