What a Headache! Helping Your Kids Cope with the Pain
Today's Moms Tip
It's hard enough coping with headaches as an adult. Imagine how difficult it can be for young children. What's even worse is that if you or your partner suffers from headaches, there's a good chance that your child will be cursed with the... Read More
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Caretaking Parents, Entitled Kids
Demanding children - children who have entitlement issues - seem to be common these days. Like the obnoxious child, Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, who was constantly demanding...
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Are You Addicted to Your Children?
Is it possible to be using our children addictively? Anything that we use to get love, avoid pain, and fill up inner emptiness can become an addiction - even our children! If your children are your...
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The Impact of Parenting Styles
Watching a young girl hit, kick, and call her mother names I never imagined a 6 year old knew, engaged in an (ultimately successful) attempt to get dessert led to an enlightening luncheon conversation...
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