3 Homemade Christmas Ornaments

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Look at just about any Christmas tree, and the most eye-catching ornaments are usually the ones made from scratch. You don't have to spend a fortune on those store-bought ornaments to make your tree stand out. In fact, you can create some awesome ornaments from scratch right in the comfort of your own home. The only investment you need to make is for the materials, which you can find at a local craft store or even the grocery store. Look carefully enough and you may already have everything you need on hand. These ornaments also make inexpensive gifts for teachers, friends or family as well. So you'll get plenty of bang for your buck. Here's one way to get personal. Purchase glass or plastic balls, sticker letters and ribbon for hanging loops. Ornaments with horizontal stripes may be ideal as they'll help you line up the letters evenly. Apply adhesive letters to spell out the name of that special someone on the ornament. Then string a ribbon through the loop at the top. It's that simple.