Kid Danger Zones at the Mall

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As you exit the elevator, mind the gap - be sure the elevator and floor are level, stepping over that gap and being cautious of kids' feet. Moms with strollers should opt for the elevator - escalators are not meant for safe stroller travel. Only two wheels fit on each step, and you can easily lose control of the stroller. Smaller kids should be taken by the hand and guided onto a step. Don't let your child sit on the steps, where fingers and arms can get more easily caught in machinery. Check your child's clothing before boarding the escalator. Be sure shoes are tied and that no clothes are dragging the floor, becoming a safety risk. If your child gets stuck, hit the emergency stop button located at the top and bottom of the escalator, or yell for someone else to do it if you're not close enough. Keep shopping safe and fun for the whole family.