Penalty Box: Does The Crime Fit the Punishment?

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For example, if your child is kicking the table or screaming, strike up a conversation about his or her favorite topic. Verbal instruction is a way to encourage your child to use good judgment. For younger children, time-outs seem to be the go to consequence for parents. The general rule of thumb is one minute for each year of his or her age. For older children, grounding or restricting is often in order. Say your child breaks curfew on a Friday night, then grounding the child for Saturday night would be appropriate. Last but not least, you can discipline your child by withholding privileges. Privileges are usually earned. If your child gets out of line, take away a party, a playdate or television. Depending on your child's age, one form of punishment might be more effective then the next. You may have to experiment with trial and error.